Games Like Silent Hill 2

 Games Like Silent Hill 2

In light of Silent Hill 2's Remake coming soon, I decided to compile a whole list of recommendations of games like it, before realising, wow, Silent Hill 2 is a very unique game. I don't give up however, so here's a list of games with similar aspects/ vibes.

Similar Focus on Characters:

Rule of Rose - This takes place in 1930s England, giving the player control of Jennifer, who becomes trapped in a game of hierarchy. Like Silent Hill 2, Rule of Rose focuses on the trauma of its characters, more specifically Jennifer. It also has very janky combat, and very outdated controls, but the story is definitely worth it. Now, a physical copy of the game costs a lot (PAL version costs around £500 and upwards), but you can emulate it or even watch a playthrough on YouTube. The CGI cutscenes are stunning, and the music is top tier, albeit there not being much of it.

Console: PS2

The Suffering - In this game, you take control of Torc, who is on death row for killing his family (wife and two sons). While awaiting this fate, the prison gets taken over by mysterious creatures. The monster designs is where this game truly shines, having each one represent a method of capital punishment. Despite this aspect being the strongest, we do explore Torc's character and his guilt within the game. This game does have a sequel, which I didn't really like, as in my opinion, it took away from the original and is very, very cliche.

Console: PS2, XBOX, PC

Similar Atmosphere:

Forbidden Siren - Now I've only played a bit of this recommendation, but the atmosphere is akin to Silent Hill 2, where everything seems unsettling. The game is set up into stages, each ranging in difficulty. If you're looking for a challenge, play this! If you can look behind the very terrible voice acting.. Despite the rather shoddy voice acting, the character designs are very uncanny valley and is genuinely quite scary. It gives the player quite interesting gameplay through the 2nd person, where you can see what your enemy is seeing.

Console: PS2, PS4 (PS Store)

Resident Evil 2 - In my opinion, this could be considered a stretch, but the atmosphere created in this game (especially after Mr X shows up) is terrifying. Fans of Silent Hill 2 would definitely enjoy this title. You play as rookie cop, Leon, or journalist, Claire, trying to escape Raccoon City due to a zombie outbreak. There are four different campaign possibilities (Leon A + Claire B or Claire A + Leon B), increasingly the replay-ability.

Console: PS1, PS4

I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream - A point and click adventure based on the short story of the same title, is a world where 'AI' gains sentience and takes control. It's cheap and on Steam, and it's better to just go in blind. I won't say much more about this title, other than to go try it.

Console: PC

Similar Gameplay:

Resident Evil + Resident Evil Zero - There is no doubt that you probably haven't played or at least heard of Resident Evil, but on the off-chance you have not, go play them now! The two games use the very familiar tank controls that many players enjoy, and limited resources.

Resident Evil Console: PS1, GameCube, PS3, PS4

Resident Evil Zero Console: GameCube, PS3, PS4

Games I have not yet played/ finished that many consider alike to Silent Hill 2:



Dead Space


Clock Tower

Haunting Ground

The Thing

Final Thoughts:

I definitely need to catch up on those games I listed in the last section, but I can almost guarantee that they are great games. Currently playing through the entirety of the Resident Evil series, so I haven't had much time. If you have any more games that can be thrown in this list, please comment! I'll add it in.

Next post will most likely not be about horror games, but something else entirely, but as always, do expect more posts like this.



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