Silent Hill 2 Remake - Hopes and Fears

 Silent Hill 2 Remake - Hopes and Fears

Now, I don't want to sound like a Negative Nancy, but I both have high hopes, but also very massive doubts on the handling of the cult classic. I don't believe that Konami would let Bloober Team mess the 'official coming back' of the franchise, but Bloober Team's track record isn't exactly the best. Along with the remake, it'd be pretty cool to get a port of the original on modern consoles. Being a massive fan of the series, I have decided to compile a list of what I hope they improve upon in the game, and what I hope they don't change (minimal changes at the most).


- This is a definite change coming to the remake, but apparently there will be improved combat. I didn't mind the combat too much in the original; it kind of added to the survival aspect as James isn't necessarily a battle genius. I would love for some improvement to be made however, because in the original, it was rather difficult to be able to kill the Straight Jackets when they would crawl across the ground.

- It would be pretty cool to see more monster designs from Masahiro Ito. I mean it isn't like we haven't seen new monsters before in remakes (Resident Evil), and I feel as if it would be a surprise to old players.

- Following the same vein as my old point, but new puzzles would be a way to add more replay-ability for original players. 

- This hope I wasn't completely sure on, but one specific character I would love to be explored more, whom of which is Laura. She wasn't as much of a memorable character in my opinion compared to the others. Now, I am on the fence about whether they should develop the other characters, as I think it adds to the loneliness of the game, having the other characters (but James) be somewhat eccentric and mysterious. 

- More endings! But I would prefer they not add any, if they don't make sense in the original plot, or they change the original plot too drastically. 


I am extremely skeptical of Bloober Team's handling of mental illness, from past games. I really hope they don't meddle too much from that aspect, but I have belief in Konami that they won't allow that.

- This is really minor, but I feel as the reasoning behind changing James' age was quite dumb. "This is in part because fans from 20 years ago are older now." I mean, gamers play people of different ages all the time. There are many more plausible reasoning to change a character's age than that.

- Konami are quite infamous for being a bit money hungry, so I really hope this doesn't mess with the development of the game.

- Please not too much Pyramid Head!!! Do not rely on him!! Please! I have seen enough.

- I really hope they don't change James' character too much, as many fans have agreed, he does appear to have a different personality in the teasers. I really liked how his personality made sense, considering his circumstances, and he felt very real.

Overall Thoughts

I'm so excited for this game to come out, like I obviously have my doubts, but I really do think this game will be at least good. I can't wait to see James again with updated graphics, and fingers crossed, also his goofy lines. I really hope this game will go mainstream, so the other games get remade as well (really wish that the first Silent Hill got remade before this, it would open up way more people to the series).

Also, just wanted to see this, but I love to see all these horror games being remade: Clock Tower, pls be next lol. 

Please comment if you have any other hopes or doubts about the upcoming remake, I would love to hear them! Please check my blog out for more horror gaming content if you want, and please expect more Silent Hill! Next post will hopefully be recommendations for those who specifically enjoyed Silent Hill 2, in preparation for the remake. However, do foresee that most will probably be only available on old consoles, like the PS2.



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